Bentley Map V8i (SELECTseries 10) Help

Text Location Check Dialog

Used to check the origin of each text item and ensure all strings are associated with the same correct location after the design file has been scanned and the text elements selected.

It is now possible to edit the text on the fly when required. This does not modify the text element in the design file. It modifies only the output text listed in the index.

The initial origin for each text element scanned is shown but this may not be the required location for the index. Some locations may have more than one text element associated with it.

When navigating the list of scanned text elements, you are asked for a point to redefine the origin of the text reference location. The current view automatically zooms to the location of the defined text and a large X displays, indicating the current reference origin of the element.

Text Location Check is a non-modal dialog. All MicroStation commands can be used before the Done button is clicked. This allows corrections to be made to the design file, text elements to be added or moved, and new elements included in the scan list.

Opens when clicking on the Check Locations button in the Edit Grid dialog.


Text editor field. Edit the selected text.


Moves the view to the next element in the scanned list. The current reference origin is displayed and a new one is requested. The new origin is not required to be entered if it is already correct.


Moves the view to the previous text element in the scan list.


Adds a new element to the scanned list. This is required if an element was accidentally deleted, or missed because it was on the wrong level and the scan options excluded it.


Removes the current element from the scan list.


Joins the current element to another text element. If more than two text elements are to be joined, each element must be appended to the previous to form a list. Joined text elements are separated by a space in final output.

Note: If two separate text elements are used to define a single word, the resulting text output needs to be edited to remove the unwanted space character.


Breaks the link between joined elements.


Jumps to the current element by identifying the text element in any view. The element must be in the scanned list. If the text element has been appended to another element, the highest element in the string of elements becomes the current element.


Closes the dialog.

Lock Zoom

Locks the zoom to the current zoom level. The text element will be centered in the view but the zoom will remain the same.